Penn State (2008-2013)
PhD thesis: Understanding the consequences of sub-lethal insecticide concentrations for insecticide resistance management and malaria control
Juniata College (2002-2006)
BS thesis: Effects of oceanography, habitat discontinuity, and geographic distance on larval dispersal within copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)
Research experience:
Penn State, Department of Biology Laboratory Rotations (Fall 2008)
-Baums Lab, Microsatellite fingerprinting of coral from the Florida Keys
-Langkilde Lab, Testosterone production and display coloration in fence lizards
-Read Lab, PCR quantification of entomopathogenic fungi on mosquitoes
University of California, Davis, Junior Specialist, Department of Entomology (2006-2008)
Principal investigator: Dr. Thomas W. Scott
Population genetic structure of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Iquitos, Peru
Detecting rates of polyandry in wild populations of Aedes aegypti from Thailand
Juniata College, Undergraduate researcher (2003-2006)
Buonaccorsi Lab, Microsatellite analysis of copper rockfish population structure
HoslerĀ Lab, Mapping the honeybee antennal lobe using behavioral responses to odors
Academic/community service:
Peer reviewer: Evolutionary Applications, Journal of Vector Ecology, PLoS ONE (2008-2013)
CIDD research synopsis editor/coordinator (2012-2013)
Secretary, CIDD Graduate Student Association (2011-2012)
President, Biology Department Graduate Student Association (2010-2011)
Social Chair, Biology Department Graduate Student Association (2009-2010)
Penn State (2008-2013)
PhD thesis: Understanding the consequences of sub-lethal insecticide concentrations for insecticide resistance management and malaria control
Juniata College (2002-2006)
BS thesis: Effects of oceanography, habitat discontinuity, and geographic distance on larval dispersal within copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)
Research experience:
Penn State, Department of Biology Laboratory Rotations (Fall 2008)
-Baums Lab, Microsatellite fingerprinting of coral from the Florida Keys
-Langkilde Lab, Testosterone production and display coloration in fence lizards
-Read Lab, PCR quantification of entomopathogenic fungi on mosquitoes
University of California, Davis, Junior Specialist, Department of Entomology (2006-2008)
Principal investigator: Dr. Thomas W. Scott
Population genetic structure of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Iquitos, Peru
Detecting rates of polyandry in wild populations of Aedes aegypti from Thailand
Juniata College, Undergraduate researcher (2003-2006)
Buonaccorsi Lab, Microsatellite analysis of copper rockfish population structure
HoslerĀ Lab, Mapping the honeybee antennal lobe using behavioral responses to odors
Academic/community service:
Peer reviewer: Evolutionary Applications, Journal of Vector Ecology, PLoS ONE (2008-2013)
CIDD research synopsis editor/coordinator (2012-2013)
Secretary, CIDD Graduate Student Association (2011-2012)
President, Biology Department Graduate Student Association (2010-2011)
Social Chair, Biology Department Graduate Student Association (2009-2010)
Research interests
I am a mosquito enthusiast. I am interested in learning about their behavior, their ecology, and all of the ways to kill them or keep them from killing people.
I am a mosquito enthusiast. I am interested in learning about their behavior, their ecology, and all of the ways to kill them or keep them from killing people.
Glunt KD, Blanford JB, Paaijmans KP. 2013. Chemicals, climate and control: Increasing the effectiveness of malaria vector control tools by considering relevant temperatures. PLoS Pathogens. 9(10): e1003602.
Glunt KD, Thomas MB, Read AF. 2011. The effects of age, exposure history and malaria infection on the susceptibility of Anopheles mosquitoes to low concentrations of pyrethroid. PLoS ONE. 6(9): e24968.
Johansson ML, Banks MA, Glunt KD, Hassel-Finnegan HM, Buonaccorsi VP. 2008. Influence of habitat discontinuity, geographical distance, and oceanography on fine-scale population genetic structure of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus). Molecular Ecology. 17(13): 3051-61.
Glunt KD, Blanford JB, Paaijmans KP. 2013. Chemicals, climate and control: Increasing the effectiveness of malaria vector control tools by considering relevant temperatures. PLoS Pathogens. 9(10): e1003602.
Glunt KD, Thomas MB, Read AF. 2011. The effects of age, exposure history and malaria infection on the susceptibility of Anopheles mosquitoes to low concentrations of pyrethroid. PLoS ONE. 6(9): e24968.
Johansson ML, Banks MA, Glunt KD, Hassel-Finnegan HM, Buonaccorsi VP. 2008. Influence of habitat discontinuity, geographical distance, and oceanography on fine-scale population genetic structure of copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus). Molecular Ecology. 17(13): 3051-61.
I tried to get the CV section formatted non-stupidly, but I could not do it. If you don't need me to do your website and are interested in seeing my full CV, please email me at kdg149 at psu.edu or kdglunt at gmail.com.
I tried to get the CV section formatted non-stupidly, but I could not do it. If you don't need me to do your website and are interested in seeing my full CV, please email me at kdg149 at psu.edu or kdglunt at gmail.com.