Clare Kinnear

Woods Lab
5522 MSRB1
University of Michigan



Postdoctoral Research Fellow (current)
Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases
University of Michigan

Master of International Public Health (2015-2016)
The University of New South Wales, Australia

Doctor of Philosophy (2006 – 2014)
The University of Melbourne, Australia (Departments of Zoology and Microbiology and Immunology)
Thesis: Evolutionary implications of imperfect vaccines in a mouse typhoid model

Bachelor of Science, 1st Class Honours in Zoology (2005)
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Thesis: Population-wide variation in virulence levels in Influenza

Bachelor of Science, Majors in Genetics and Zoology (2000-2003)
The University of Melbourne, Australia

Research interests

My research interests are in evolution and human health, focussing on infectious diseases and the long-term implications of health interventions such as vaccines and antimicrobials.

My current research investigates hospital acquired Enterococcus infections and the impact of antibiotics on bacterial evolution.


Kinnear, C.L. and Strugnell R.A. (2015) Vaccination method affects immune response and bacterial growth but not protection in animal model for typhoid: S. Typhimurium. PloSOne 10(10): e0141356. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141356

Kinnear, C.L, Elgar M.A. and Strugnell R.A. (in preparation) Vaccination drives within-host selection for virulence in the typhoid animal model: S. Typhimurium.

Kinnear, C.L, Strugnell R.A. and Elgar M.A. (in preparation) Mixed-strain infections result in both competitive suppression and release but do not change overall virulence in the typhoid animal model.
